A New York Police Department officer is currently facing charges in Manhattan after striking two individuals in an apparent drunk driving accident, an article of Daily News reported on May 8.
On May 7, 32-year-old officer Jean Verdesoto rolled his vehicle into a crosswalk at W. 206th St. and Tenth Avenue in Inwood. Police stated two pedestrians, only identified as a 28-year-old man and a 26-year-old man, were transported to a hospital after being struck by Verdesoto. The two pedestrians did not have visible injuries when they were hospitalized, police also revealed. Verdesoto, who was an off-duty police officer, was charged after refusing a blood-alcohol test.
If you are arrested on the suspicion of drunk driving, the situation is not only frustrating and frightening, but also can be detrimental to your professional reputation. If you are in such a situation, enlisting a skilled defense lawyer can be essential when preserving your rights. Please contact our team at the Portale Randazzo LLP in New York today by calling (914) 292-3557 to learn more about your options.