A man in Yonkers was stabbed Wednesday, October 12, and brought to the hospital after receiving emergency treatment from EMT workers.
According to the police, the stabbing took place following some sort of altercation around 6:30 p.m. The man, who is expected to survive the incident, was initially treated by police and EMTs while still laying on the doorstep of a local residence. He was taken to a medical center in the Bronx.
The investigation is ongoing because police are having a hard time getting information from the man. People who live in the area were shaken following the incident, claiming they are frightened in their own homes. There have been no related arrests so far.
Assault with a deadly weapon is a heavy charge to deal with, especially in maintaining good personal and professional relationships. If you are in a situation in which you’ve been charged with such a claim, speak to a Westchester assault defense attorney with Portale Randazzo LLP as early as possible. Call us at (914) 292-3557.